Art, comics and illustrations
Mar 2014
It's been a while
11/03/14 11:10
Sometimes work just takes over and there’s near to no time left for anything else. In these days of economical crisis that’s being considered a good thing. And i suppose it is, in a way, but it also means there’s not much time for my „artistry”....
Yet in those scarse moments in between assignments i still manage to grab the pencil from time to time and make a little sketch every now and then.
Yet in those scarse moments in between assignments i still manage to grab the pencil from time to time and make a little sketch every now and then.
Here’s a younger Philip Seymour Hoffman who recently met his tragic destiny. He’ll be remembered as a magnificent actor.
And here’s Ricky Gervais making us all feel a little uncomfortable as The Office’s David Brent.
Franky Drappier